Welcome to SoCTA2025 at Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar, Punjab INDIA. :: Paper submission is OPEN now. :: The Conference will be organized in a Hybrid Format. :: The after-conference proceeding of the SoCTA2024 will be published in Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, SpringerNature (Scopus Indexed proceedings) (Approved).

About SoCTA
Keynote Speakers
Camera Ready Submission
Call For Papers
Paper Submission
About Venue
Organizing Committees
Conference Proceedings
Special Sessions
Special Session(s)

Send the proposals for the Special Sessions to socta2016@gmail.com with the following details:

Title of the special session:
Names of proposers:
Email addresses:
Description of the special session/workshop:

Author(s) are required to mention the name of the special session on the 1st page of the manuscript.

Selected Special Sessions

1. Artificial Intelligence for Predictive Analytics and better Decision-Making in next Generation Computational Systems

Special Session #1               TOP
Title of the special session:
- Artificial Intelligence for Predictive Analytics and better Decision-Making in next Generation Computational Systems
Names of proposers:
- Dr. Hardeo Kumar Thakur; Dr. Neeraj; Dr. Dinesh Prasad Sahu
- Bennett University, Gr. Noida(INDIA)
Email addresses:
- hardeokumar@gmail.com; Hardeo.Thakur@bennett.edu.in; neeraj@bennett.edu.in; Dinesh.Sahu@bennett.edu.in

Description of the special session/workshop:
In recent years, the high availability of data, expansion in computational and storage capacities, and rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques have had a huge impact in many industries. Ranging from education, insurance, and financial services to healthcare, communication, industries are finding benefits from predictive analytics for better decision making. Predictive analytics helps in increasing revenue via reducing risks and optimising operations. However, many challenges remain due to the domain specific and data challenges of volume, variety, velocity, veracity, and value that are limiting their wide scale adoption.

The special session on Artificial Intelligence for Predictive Analytics and Better DecisionMaking in next generation computational systems invites contributions that address these challenges and/or showcase the latest real-world applications and enable algorithmic advancements in Artificial Intelligence for prediction.

Topics of Interest:
-AI driven time series modelling and forecasting
-AI driven time series modelling and forecasting
-AI driven temporal data analysis, prediction, and forecasting
-Transfer learning for time series forecasting
-Transformer architectures for time series forecasting
-Neural network architectures for time series forecasting
-Deep neural networks for time series modelling
-Deep learning-based outcome prediction
-GANs for time series analysis
-Advanced Predictive analytics algorithms