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Keynote and Invited Talks

Prof. KC Santosh
Professor (AI) and Chair, Department of Computer Science
Founder & Director, đŸšá—©đ•€: Applied Artificial Intelligence Research Lab
Vermillion, South Dakota
United States

Title of the Talk: TBA

Prof. KC Santosh, a highly accomplished AI expert—is the chair of the Department of Computer Science and the founding director of the Applied AI Research Lab at the University of South Dakota (USD). He also served the National Institutes of Health as a research fellow and LORIA Research Center as a postdoctoral research scientist, in collaboration with industrial partner, ITESOFT, France. He earned his Ph.D. in Computer Science—Artificial Intelligence from INRIA Nancy Grand East Research Center (France). With funding exceeding $2 million from sources like DOD, NSF, ED, and SDBOR, he has authored 10 books and more than 250 peer-reviewed research articles, including IEEE TPAMI. He serves as an associate editor for esteemed journals such as IEEE Transactions on AI, Int. J of Machine Learning & Cybernetics, and Int. J of Pattern Recognition & Artificial Intelligence. He, founder of AI programs at USD, has significantly increased graduate enrollment by more than 3,000% in just three years, establishing USD as a leader in AI within South Dakota.
To name a few, Prof. Santosh is the proud recipient of the Visionary Leadership Award (University of Derby - UK, 2023) Cutler Award for Teaching and Research Excellence (USD, 2021), the President's Research Excellence Award (USD, 2019), and the Ignite Award from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS, 2014).
Effective from Spring 2024, he has joined the NIST's AI Safety Institute Consortium, with USD being the only institution representing the state of South Dakota in this consortium.

Prof. Vijayan K. Asari
Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ohio Research Scholars Endowed Chair in Wide Area Surveillance
Director, University of Dayton Vision Lab (Center of Excellence)
University of Dayton, United States

Title of the Talk: TBA

Prof. Vijayan K. Asari is a Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering and Ohio Research Scholars Endowed Chair in Wide Area Surveillance at University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio. He is the director of the University of Dayton Vision Lab (Center of Excellence for Computational Intelligence and Machine Vision). Dr. Asari had been a Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia till January 2010. He was the founding director of the Computational Intelligence and Machine Vision Laboratory (ODU Vision Lab) at ODU.
Dr. Asari received the Bachelor's degree in electronics and communication engineering from the University of Kerala (College of Engineering, Trivandrum), India, in 1978, the M. Tech and Ph. D degrees in electrical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, in 1984 and 1994 respectively. His doctoral dissertation was "Multiple Valued Logic Neural Network Architectures and Algorithms for Prediction, Classification and Recognition of Multi-valued Patterns" under the guidance of Dr. C. Eswaran at IIT Madras. Read More...

Mr. Aninda Bose
Executive Editor
Research Publishing – Books
Interdisciplinary Applied Sciences
Springer Nature Group
The Campus, 4 Crinan Street, London N1 9XW

Title of the Talk: TBA

Mr. Aninda Bose is presently working as Executive Editor with Springer Nature. Mr. Bose is part of the Global Acquisition Team at Springer Nature and responsible for acquisition of scientific content across the globe. He is responsible for acquisition of content in Interdisciplinary Applied Sciences. He has more than 26 years of industrial experience in marketing and different fields of publishing. Mr. Bose has completed Masters in Organic Chemistry from Delhi University and Masters in Marketing Research from Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies, Pune. Mr. Bose has delivered more than 160 invited talks on Scientific Writing and Publishing Ethics in reputed Universities, International Conferences and Author Workshops. He has published books for secondary level in Chemistry and is a member of American Chemical Society, USA.