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Special Session(s)

Send the proposals for the Special Sessions to socta2016@gmail.com with the following details:

Title of the special session:
Names of proposers:
Email addresses:
Description of the special session/workshop:

Author(s) are required to mention the name of the special session on the 1st page of the manuscript.

Selected Special Sessions

1. Smart Intelligent Computing In Advanced Sectors (SICA)
2. Securing Internet of Things
3. AI and ML in 6G

Special Session #1               TOP
Title of the special session:
- Smart Intelligent Computing In Advanced Sectors (SICA)
Names of proposers:
- Dr. Srikanta Kumar Mohapatra
- Chitkara University Institute of Engineering &Technology, Chitkara University, Punjab, India
Email addresses:
- srikanta.2k7@gmail.com

Description of the special session/workshop:
In the current era, recent developments in the fields of intelligent computing using different emerging applications like AI, ML, DL, Blockchain, IoT, Cloud, etc and communication have paved the way for the handling of current and upcoming problems and brought about significant technological advancements. 
This special Session is aiming to gather information from scientists, engineers, and researchers with interest in research and application to solve the problematic statements in different emerging sectors like healthcare, agriculture, robotics, machine driven industry etc. As we know the population is increasing day to day and the problems in different sectors are going beyond our control. So, the solution can be achieved, if the problem and solution can be found in its initial stage. In each and every field now researchers are developing new technologies to get the optimal solution with different roadmaps. Also unmanned systemsare amalgam of IoT and soft computing techniques. In this special session, the focus is especially on the proposed theme of encouraging authors to submit research articles based on intelligent computing in development of different sectors.

Topics of Interest:
-Machine Learning and its applications in healthcare and agriculture
-Artificial Intelligence in sustainable development of crop yields
-Integrated ML and Blockchain applications for selfcare preventives
-Data Mining and Bigdata Analytics to track health informatics
-Mobility and ubiquity in Agriculture sector
-IOT in developmental track of health care and agriculture
-Industry driven ML and AI
-Integrated NW system with smart computing

Special Session #2               TOP

Title of the special session:
- Securing Internet of Things
Names of proposers:
- Dr. Deepak Panwar*, Sumit Singh Dhanda**, Amit Kumar**, Pardeep Singh***
- *Manipal University Jaipur, Rajasthan; **Galgotias University, Greater Noida; ***Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun
Email addresses:
- deepakpanwar03@gmail.com, dhandasumit@gmail.com, amitbatar.1988@gmail.com,pardeep.maan@gmail.com
Description of the special session/workshop:
- Internet of Things (IoT) is technology that is changing the face of society. The philosophy behind the inception of IoT is to reduce the wastage, minimize losses and cut down the cost. It is an amalgamation of many technologies such as Sensors networks, Cloud Computing, Big Data analytics etc. In coming future, IoT based applications will be used on large scale in various sectors to make the human life better. A number of critical applications, such as Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), Smart Cities, Smart Buildings, Smart Grids etc. comes under the umbrella of IoT.Exponential growth of connected devices and data communicated underlines the need for the security. Critical nature of these applications, makes it mandatory to design different methods, e.g., Lightweight Cryptography,Blockchains, authentication schemes etc., can be designed to ensure the security of these systems.
Topics of Interest:
-System security
-Network security
-Wireless security
-Security analysis
-Machine learning security and privacy -Blockchains and their use
-Hardware security
-Applications of cryptography

Special Session #3               TOP

Title of the special session:
- AI and ML in 6G
Names of proposers:
- Sumit Singh Dhanda*, Dr. Deepak Panwar**,Dr. Pradeep Singh, Dr. Savita Kumari
- *Galgotias University, Greater Noida, **Manipal University Jaipur, Rajasthan
Email addresses:
- dhandasumit@gmail.com, dpanwar@jpr.amity.edu, pardeep.maan@gmail.com, savitasangwan92@gmail.com
Description of the special session/workshop:
- 5G has been launched in various parts of the world. Many countries including India have already started working on finalizing the 6G requirements. Soft Computing (SC) methodologies consisting ofdifferent Artificial Intelligence andMachine Learning Algorithms such as Deep Neural Networks, Natural Language Processing etc. will be used on wide scale to enable different capabilities of 6G. These capabilities will enable numerous use cases in varied sectors. This session aims to highlight and present the innovative and novel research ideas to exploit the usage of AI/ML techniques for different capabilities evolutionary algorithms, shallow and deep learning, and responsible AI for healthcare applications.
Topics of Interest:
-AI for Networks
-Use of AI-ML to improve traffic capacity and spectrum utilization
-Use of AI-ML to improve connection density
-Use of AI-ML to improve localizationand Sensing
-Use of AI-ML to enhance achievable data rate
-Use of AI-ML to improve service availability
-Use of AI-ML to improve energy efficiency